Wayne Township Historical Society

Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania

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One of the first stretches of "paved roads" in Schuylkill County ran through Main Street 
(now route 443) in the village of Friedensburg. It was constructed of compacted coble stone 
and laid by "foreigners" as the Pennsylvania Dutch residents referred to them.
The Building on the right was the former Hummel Hotel later owned by 
Charles & Clara Roder. The hotel was destroyed by fire in February 1970
and it's currently the parking lot for the Friedensburg Fire Company.

J.A. Heffners General Store was located on the south side of Main Street. Across from where the Friedensburg Fire House is now located. The original proprietors were Mr. Kreck and Mr. Brown. It remains today as an apartment building.

The one room schoolhouse, pictured here, in Friedensburg was constructed in 1877. It served the children and community until 1957, when the students were transferred to the new Wayne Township Elementary School. The building still stands and is now owned by the Freidensburg Fire Company. It no longer has the copula and bell, and has undergone some renovations.


Main Street Friedensburg looking west. The home on the left with the white pourch is made
of stone and is still there today. The building on the right is the Freidensburg Hotel where
the Coronet Band would perform each fourth of July.






Same work crew working on the same road west of the village of Friedensburg.

1908, The contract for the construction of the road running through Friedensburg for a 
distance of 22,800 feet was awarded to Ambler-Davis Co., Philadelpha, for $46,689.65

Independent Coronet Band of Black Horse
Picture was taken in 1908 on the porch of the Freidensbugh Hotel, known at this time as Stauffer's. It is also interesting to note that the hotel had a balcony on the front porch. On the 4th of July each year the band would perform a free concert for the public from this balcony.  Residents would place chairs and benches in the street for attendance and the limited traffic would simply wait or detour.
(Click photo for band member identification and band history)

Students and teacher, Friedensburg one room school, October 13, 1947 
(click photo for student and teacher identification)